Capacity Building Workshop for Sub-Grant Recipient Organizations 2023-2024
Workshop Objective
The workshop aims to strengthen the capabilities of the personnel responsible for the technical and financial-administrative execution of the 16 projects funded by the FTM under the 2023-2024 call. The participating organizations, ranging from Mexico to Panama, will receive training in project identification, design, and management to ensure the efficiency and success of their initiatives.
Main Topics
- Project Identification and Design: Theoretical concepts, tools, and practical exercises to identify projects participatively, develop the theory of change, and prepare the basic script of a project.
- Administrative and Accounting Management: Guidance on project administration and accounting, including acquisition processes, record keeping, and backup documentation.
The workshop will follow a participatory methodology, with the “learning by doing” approach through practical cases, group exercises, and master classes. Culturally adapted training materials will be used to facilitate learning.
The event is aimed at the staff of the 16 organizations responsible for the technical and administrative execution of the projects funded by the FTM. Two representatives per organization are expected to participate, one from the technical area and the other from the financial-administrative area.
Diversity of Projects
The projects funded by the FTM cover various areas, including reforestation, governance, agriculture, youth entrepreneurship, women’s empowerment, and support for artisans. These initiatives represent a joint effort to promote sustainability and community development in Mesoamerica.
Event Details
- Date: June 17-21, 2024
- Location: Panama City
- Duration: Three effective working days (June 18, 19, and 20)
- Activities: Lectures, practical workshops, group work, and plenary discussions
This workshop is a crucial step in the FTM’s mission to support indigenous peoples and local communities in the sustainable management of their natural resources and territories. Through this training, we seek to strengthen the capabilities of the participating organizations, promoting sustainable development and environmental governance in the Mesoamerican region.